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Reiki (pronounced RAY-key) is a form of energy healing, originating in Japan. Dr. Mikao Usui has been known as the person who rediscovered and formalized this ancient healing technique. Dr. Usui originally intended this technique to be used for spiritual growth, but the alignment and increased awareness caused physical healing and accelerated recovery to take place as a side effect. The name Reiki is derived from two Japanese characters, or Kanji. The Kanji "Rei" means "spirit" or "God Wisdom" and "Ki" means "life-force energy". Reiki is a gentle, but powerful hands-on technique that uses life force energy that is all around us to heal the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Reiki helps the body return to a place of balance, promoting reduced stress, relaxation, clarity, and a deeper connection to our higher consciousness. Reiki is in no way a religious practice or belief and can be used congruently with any religion and/or faith.
Reiki takes place on a massage table or in a chair. The person receiving Reiki stays fully dressed, as the Reiki practitioner places there hands on or hovers their hands over different energy points of the body for a few minutes. The recipient might feel heat, energy current, cold, tingling sensations or nothing at all. Reiki is working regardless of the physical sensations. After the Reiki session is complete, the recipient and the practitioner discuss the experience and the insight that was discovered during the session. Reiki continues to work on the recipients even after they leave the session and can be felt for multiple days after the session.
Tuning Fork Therapy is a form of frequency and vibrational healing that uses different tuning forks, to comb and balance the energies within the recipients biofield. The biofield is an electromagnetic aura that extends 2-3' beyond the body, that holds the energetic history of our lives, from birth to present. While using the eastern chakra system as a template, the practitioner is guided by the vibration and tone of the tuning forks to seek out any imbalances or areas that lack the flow of energy within this biofield. Tuning Fork Therapy is in no way a religious practice or belief and can be used congruently with any religion and/or faith.
Tuning Fork Therapy takes place on a massage table or in a chair. The person receiving the Tuning stays fully dressed. The practitioner will use specific tuning forks based off of different areas within the biofield. During the session, the practitioner will begin by activating the fork and bringing it to the recipient's ear. This signals to the physical, energetic, and cellular body what area of the biofield will be worked on. After playing the tone, the practitioner will move the designated fork through the biofield seeking out any disruptions in the vibration, which will show areas of imbalance. The recipient might feel tingling, heat, cold, or nothing at all. Some recipients experience seeing colors or images or receive clarity from their higher self. Other recipients experience nothing during the session, but leave feeling lighter, as if a weight has been lifted. The Tuning Forks are working regardless of the sensations. After the Tuning Fork session is complete, the recipient and the practitioner discuss the experience and the insight that was discovered during the session.
Chakra Balancing is a combination of different modalities that come together to best serve the needs of the client's energy center. David uses his knowledge of Reiki, Sound Therapy, and Limpias through his Curanderismo training as well as the guidance from the client's spiritual team to clear and rebalance the mental, emotional, and energetic body. There will be a short consultation in the beginning and end of the session. During the session it is very common to experience deep relaxation as well as emotion releases. It is common to feel cold, heat, tingling sensations, slight aching or pressure at times, see colors, images, and can feel slightly lightheaded. These sensations to not occur with everyone and are not a representation of the effects of the session.
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